Event time:
Wednesday, April 5, 2023 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Event description:
Seminar Abstract:
Historically, we designed buildings and cities with human beings in mind. As we understand more about the consequences of our activities on regional ecosystems and planetary health, the scope of our considerations has broadened dramatically in recent decades. Deep multidisciplinary collaboration is required to transition urban environments towards biodiversity, with teams that include ecologists and biologists, alongside the previously typical groups of architects and engineers, in the design of the built environment process. This lecture will highlight the incorporation of multiple scientific experiments that have been scaled up from the lab into building sites in Botswana, Nairobi, Mumbai, and New York City, in order to test novel methods for incorporating biodiversity into the design of urban settings.
About the Series:
Over the last twelve years, the Yale School of the Environment has held a weekly seminar series, called BIOMES, which has been the School’s flagship forum for bringing cutting-edge research and impactful work to the community. BIOMES stands for ‘Bridging Issues & Optimizing Methods in Environmental Studies”
The series is a community-sourced and student-led effort designed to bring different perspectives to YSE’s main stage. During the spring 2023 semester, the committee has chosen to feature cross-campus voices among the faculty to highlight the breadth and depth of interdisciplinary approaches occurring at Yale on topics related to the environment.
Food Provided (Food is provided for in-person attendees only. )
Virtual and in-person, open to the public.